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Vintage Egg Recipes

Vintage Egg Recipes

Success in cooking greatly depends on the freshness of the eggs used. There are various ways of determining in regard to this, but none appear to be infallible. Old stale eggs are cold all over, fresh eggs have a warm spot on the big end, which may be detected by applying it to the tongue. Another : If placed in cold water, a fresh egg will go to the bottom and lie on the side, a bad egg will float, a stale egg may sink but will stand on one end. When eggs are plenty it is a good plan to pack them for use at times when it is difficult to procure them. Some of the simpler methods of preserving them are to pack them in bran or salt with the small end down. If they are to be kept some time, it is better to grease the shells before packing them. Mix half a pint of unslacked lime with the same quantity of salt and a couple of gallons of water. The water should be turned on the lime boiling hot; when it is cold lay the eggs in with great care not to crack the shells, otherwise they will spoil very soon. The eggs should be perfectly fresh when put in. Do not make the lime water any stronger, or the lime will eat the shells. They should be kept in a cool place, but never allowed to become chilled or frozen.

Fried Eggs

Put a very little butter in each cup of a gem pan, which should be hot enough to hiss, break an egg into each cup and fry till the eggs are hard as is desired. This is a quick and easy way of frying eggs; as they preserve the shape of the cup, it makes a very pretty dish.

Baked Eggs

Break into a well buttered, shallow tin plate, five or six eggs, (five is better), sprinkle over a little salt and pepper and bits of butter; place in a moderately hot oven till the whole sets. This makes a very delicate and pretty breakfast dish.

Scrambled Eggs

Put a piece of good butter into a frying-pan and, when hot, pour in the eggs, which should be previously broken in a dish and seasoned. Stir constantly till cooked as much as desired, and serve in a hot dish. Cook them just as the meal is ready to be eaten, for they are not good if allowed to stand. Some add a little milk or cream with the eggs.

Poached Eggs

Have the water boiling, and the toast moistened in a little salt water, and buttered. Break the eggs, one by one, carefully into the water, let them boil till the white sets, remove with an egg slice, pare off the ragged edges and lay each egg upon a slice of toast; put over bits of butter, salt and pepper. Eggs require to be quite fresh to poach nicely.

Boiled Eggs

The most delicate way of preparing eggs is by pouring over them boiling water, and letting them stand 15 minutes closely covered. If kept hot without boiling, the white becomes very tender and delicate. An egg cooked the day it is laid requires a longer time to cook than one that is a day or two old. Another way to make boiled eggs is to put the eggs on in cold water and let it come to a boil, or place them in a sauce pan of boiling water, being careful not to let them crack or break, by dropping them in. Three minutes will be enough to cook them if desired soft, ten if hard.

Pickled Eggs

Boil as many as you wish to pickle until quite hard; when done, place in cold water till you can remove the shells, being careful not to mar the eggs. Lay them in wide-mouthed jars and pour over them scalding vinegar well seasoned with whole pepper, allspice and a few pieces of ginger root, or such spices as you may prefer. When cold, cover closely and let them remain for a month, when they will be ready for use. They make a nice relish for cold meats.


Six eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately. One cup milk, one tablespoon of butter melted in the milk, one tablespoon of flour; cook slowly in a buttered skillet, on top of the stove, without stirring.

Omelet (2)

Eight eggs to one cup of cream or milk; beat them all together; pepper and salt to taste. Pour all into a greased pan, and let them fry until they can be turned over, but not till done too hard.

Fried Omelet

Six eggs; beat the yolks, and add one tea cup of milk; beattwo tablespoons of flour with a little milk; beat the whites to a stiff froth, mix all together, and fry in a buttered spider.

Baked Omelet

Boil one-half pint of milk; beat six eggs thoroughly, the yolks and whites separately; add one-half teaspoon of salt and a piece of butter the size of a walnut, to the boiling milk; stir all into the beaten eggs, and pour into a buttered deep dish. Bake ten minutes, in a quick oven, to a delicate brown.


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