House cleaning in the Madison, Middleton, Verona, Fitchburg Wisconsin

Old Fashioned Bread Recipes 1

Image of bread.

Graham Bread

One quart of warm water; make middling thick batter with Graham flour; add one-half cup of yeast. Stir thoroughly, and set in a warm place to rise. When light, put in one-half cup of sugar. Stir in as much flour as will be absorbed by the moisture, but do not make too thick. When risen, bake in a hot oven.

Graham Bread (2)

Mix well together, one cup warm water, two tablespoons of syrup, one-half teaspoon of soda; to this add one cup of white flour; add Graham flour (stirring with a spoon), till stiff". Let rise one-half hour in a warm place. Bake one and one-fourth hours.

Graham Yeast Bread

Prepare a batter as for fine flour bread (see Mrs. Otis' rule for making bread), using the same proportion of yeast to the water. When light, add one spoon of sugar for each quart of water, and mix sufficiently stiff to knead, but not so stiff as for fine flour bread; let it stand to rise. When light, knead and let rise again. When again light, knead, divide and put into pans for baking. Let it rise again in the pans. Graham bread requires to be baked a little longer and more slowly than fine flour bread.

Indian Brown Bread

One quart of boiling water, salt and thicken as for mush, very stiff. Cook well; as soon as done, add one pint of molasses; stir until cool; then add one coffee cup of yeast; mold and set in a warm place to rise put it into a pan that can be placed in a steamer. Let it rise, and steam two hours, and set in the oven to dry. It may be baked in bread pans if the outside is greased to prevent the crust from being too hard.

Brown Bread (2)

Three cups of yellow corn meal, one cup of flour, one cup of sweet milk, two cups of sour milk, one-half cup of black molasses, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of soda; steam five hours. (Improved by putting in oven five or ten minutes.) Mix the salt with the meal and flour, then add molasses, sweet and sour milk, and in the last cup of sour milk put the soda. A great deal depends on the mixing; the water must be boiling before the mixture (in the crock) is put into the steamer. It must not stop boiling.

Brown Bread (3)

Three cups of brown flour; mix in flour two teaspoons of soda, even teaspoon of salt, two-thirds cup of molasses, enough buttermilk or sour milk stirred in to make batter like pound cake, or to drop from a spoon pretty thin. Steam three hours; bake fifteen minutes. Very nice.

Brown Bread (4)

Two tea-cups of buttermilk, two tea-cups of sweet milk, two-thirds cup of molasses, one tablespoon of soda; salt and thicken with one-third corn meal and two-thirds Graham flour, sufficiently to drop from the spoon. Steam three hours. Very nice.

Brown Bread (5)

Three cups corn meal, one cup flour, one cup Graham flour, one cup molasses, one teaspoon soda in the molasses, two teaspoons baking powder in the flour, three cups sweet milk. Steam three or four hours.

Brown Bread (6)

One and one-half coffee-cups of sour milk, one cup corn meal, one-half cup flour, one-half cup molasses, two eggs, piece of lard the size of an egg, one teaspoon of soda dissolved in the milk. Pour into a tin pail and cover. Place it in a pot of boiling water, and cook three hours. This is very nice without eggs.

Brown Bread (7)

Three cups of rye, three or four cups corn meal, two cups of Graham flour, one and one-half cups molasses, salt, and stir quite thin with sour milk, and soda to sweeten. Steam two and one-half hours, and bake one half hour.

Brown Bread (8)

Three cups of sweet milk, three cups of corn meal, two cups of Graham flour or one cup of wheat flour and one cup of Graham, one cup of molasses, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of soda. Boil five hours.

Steamed Corn Bread

One cup of sweet milk, two cups of sour milk, three cups of corn meal, one cup of flour, one cup of molasses, large teaspoon of soda. Steam four hours.

Boiled Corn Bread

Three cups of corn meal one and a half cups of shorts, one-half cup of flour, one cup of molasses, three cups of sweet milk, one teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon of salt. Boil in a covered gallon tin pail four hours; put it in the water when cold and do not let it stop boiling.

Boiled Corn Bread (2)

Four cups of sweet milk, two cups of sour milk, four cups of corn meal, two cups of flour, one cup of molasses, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of soda. Boil three hours.

Corn Bread

Stir one pint of corn meal into one quart of boiling milk; beat three eggs, whites and yolks separately, then put together and beat again; use salt and sugar to suit the taste. Bake one and one-half hours.

Corn Bread (2)

One quart of sour milk, three eggs well beaten, one teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of melted lard, meal enough to make a batter (not stiff). Add one teaspoon of soda, the last thing. Bake in shallow pans.

Corn Bread (3)

Four cups of corn meal, two cups of flour, one-half cup of molasses, one teaspoon of soda. Add sufficient water or milk to make a stiff batter. Steam three hours. Brown in the oven.

Corn Bread (4)

One pint of sweet milk, one pint of corn meal, two eggs beaten very light, piece of butter the size of an egg, a little salt; three teaspoons of baking powder in one pint of flour. Mix well and bake in a quick oven.

Corn Bread (5)

One and one-half pints of sour milk or buttermilk, one egg, one teacup of sugar, one cup of flour, a little salt, one-half teaspoon of soda, corn meal enough to make a thick batter. Bake in a steady oven from one-half hour to an hour, according to the thickness of the loaf ; this may vary from one-half inch to two inches.

Nice Johnny Cake

Three teacups corn meal, one teacup of flour, two teacups sweet milk, one teacup sour cream, one Q^^., one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon salt.

Sally Lunn

Two well beaten eggs, one-half cup of sweet milk, one-half cup of melted butter, one-half cup of yeast, two tablespoons of white sugar, one pint of flour, salt spoon of salt. Mix at night; pour into baking-pans and let rise. Bake in quick oven for breakfast.

Sally Lunn Without Yeast

One quart of flour, two eggs, two cups of new milk, large spoon of butter, one-half cup of sugar, pinch of salt, three teaspoons of baking powder Mix baking powder well with flour; warm butter and milk together, stir in flour and eggs, beat well and bake half hour in a hot oven.


Mix corn meal with cold water and stir into a pot of boiling water till stiff enough to let the paddle or spoon stand in it. Salt to your taste, and boil one or two hours, being careful not to let it burn. Pour it into a dripping-pan, and when cold, slice thin and fry brown on griddles with a little lard.

Fried Mush

Cut mush into pieces one inch thick and three inches long; dip in well beaten egg-, roll in pounded cracker and fry as doughnuts.

Corn Muffins

One pint of corn meal scalded with three pints of boiling water (if possible scald night before); when cold, add two-thirds of a cup of melted butter and six eggs. Bake in rings.

Corn Muffins (2)

One quart of sour milk, one small teaspoon of soda, one small teaspoon of salt, four tablespoons of lard, six eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately; corn meal to make just thick enough to run. Bake in a hot oven.

Muffins (3)

One quart of sour milk, one dessert spoon of salt, one teaspoon of soda, three tablespoons of melted butter or lard, five eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately. Make a thin batter and put the whites in last. Butter the rings or pans and have hot before putting into the oven.

Carolina Muffins

Melt in a quart of milk a piece of butter the size of an egg, stir in one quart of meal, one-half gill of yeast, one tablespoon of molasses. Let them rise five hours and bake in muffin rings.

Muffins (4)

One quart of sweet milk, two eggs, one tablespoon of butter, one teacup of yeast, flour to make a stiff batter, a little salt. When light bake quickly.

Muffins (5)

Rub a piece of butter the size of an egg in two quarts of flour, add three eggs well beaten, a little salt, one teacup of yeast, one pint of milk, one pint of water. Beat the eggs and milk together, then add the water, stir in the flour and butter, add the yeast and let it stand until morning. Place rings in dripping-pan, fill and bake in slow oven.

Muffins (6)

One quart of flour, one and one-half pints of warm milk, one-half tea-cup of yeast, .two tablespoons of melted butter, two eggs, one teaspoon of saleratus. Set the batter in a warm place; when light, bake in rings.

Muffins (7)

One egg, well beaten, one large spoon of sugar, one and one-fourth cups of flour, one cup of milk, one teaspoon melted butter, a little salt. Put two teaspoons baking powder into the flour. Bake in rings.

Muffins (8)

Melt one ounce of butter in a pint of milk; add a little yeast and two eggs, well beaten; stir in flour enough to make a stiff batter. Set it to rise and, when quite light, add a little salt. Bake in rings on a hot griddle, filling the rings half full of the batter.

Graham Muffins

One quart of sweet milk, warm, one-half tea-cup of yeast and a little salt; stir in flour and let rise; when light, add four well beaten eggs, one-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter or lard, let rise again, and then bake in muffin rings.

Graham Muffins (2)

Two eggs, one teaspoon of soda, one tablespoon of molasses or sugar, one pint of sour milk, or one-half pint of milk and one-half pint of cream.

Graham Cakes

One cup sweet milk, with a large spoon of sour milk, small lump of butter, one egg, one fourth spoon of soda, teaspoon of sugar, flour enough to make a batter.

Rice Tea Cake

Two cups of rice flour, two heaping cups of wheat flour, four teaspoons of cream tartar, two teaspoons of soda, two tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of sugar, a little salt, one and one-half pints of milk. Bake thin and eat while hot.


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